week 2 – 9 Nov

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1º (triangle emoji)

During this week, I explored two different paths in the development of the typeface. The first focused on adapting the subtitling rules, based on the BBC Subtitle Guidelines, to create a typeface that could adapt to the different nuances of speech.

The second explores the idea of a typeface as the representation of a person. Still using Amélie as the case study, I thought of a variable typeface that evolves along the journey of the character.

2º (triangle emoji)

The second project is on the other side of the spectrum. Using writing as a research method, I am evaluating what makes a typeface legible on screens and what techniques could be used to create a faster reading experience. This first week I focused on defining legibility by finding typefaces that represent some of the legible parameters.


Next week I will study fast reading and what techniques have been used to decrease the reading time.